Saturday, April 27, 2013

42, The Story of Jackie Robinson.


            42, a dramatic biopic chronicling the adventures and struggles of Jackie Robinson, was, in my opinion, a wonderful movie. It showed how Jackie pushed through prejudice and racism to become the first Black man in the white MLB.  What Jackie did was important not only for baseball, but racism in America, and the world as a whole. He broke a color barrier, and inspired anyone of any color to follow their dreams without fear of prejudice and stereotyping. I personally think the movie is a wonderful movie that describes the things Black people have had to do to get where we are now, and is up there with such classic films like Tuskegee Airmen and Malcolm X deal with civil rights and racism against black people.                     

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This movie was a great one if I had the choice I would make it the movie of the year.

-What Jackie Robinson did was important in baseball because he was against segregation and he didn’t act when they did stuff to him, like make fun of him calling him a nigga or colored or when they attack him. He also changed a lot of peoples minds with the segregation problem.

-The reason it was important outside of baseball is because he didn’t give in to the problem and that was very important and changed the mind of the white people because they thought black people were all aggressive and mean but they were wrong not all people are like that.

-I would give it 4.5 out of 5 stars because I would give it 5 stars but it wasn’t historically accurate when the player spiked Robinson they both fell and the scar was like 6 inches long but in the movie only Jackie fell and the scar was only 3 inches long. by:caleb augustine

photo by warner bros

42 Blog (Movie Review and more)


Jackie Robinson not only changed baseball forever but it also changed the way race was viewed in America.  What he did was revolutionary; he was the first African-American baseball player in the Major Leagues. Keep in mind that this was during the 1940’s-50’s, so, there was already problems with race anyway. Jackie knew this, but he played anyway. He paved the way for all African-American baseball players everywhere. He stayed strong through the racist remarks, attacks and threats. He even changed the world because there were white children trying to be like him. He even inspired a child to join the Major Leagues.  I think the film was awesome! It was true-to-life. There were no flaws in the movie at all. I can even go back and see it a third time!
It gets 5 out of 5 stars from me.

                                                          -Jordan Creech

"42" Movie

“42” Movie

 This movie was a great movie if you like learning about history. Even if you don’t like history it still was a touching movie to sit down and enjoy. It was an inspiring and heartwarming movie. It was brilliant especially the scene where he was about to take the swing but the manager of the Phillies team kept yelling “Nigga” at Jackie Robinson. That scene made me wanted to cry and beat that guy up myself. But I like how one of Jackie Robinson’s teammate told the Phillies manager to stop yelling at him and then I liked what he said to him after what the Phillies Manager told him.
There were some scenes that were funny and others were sad. One scene that was funny was when the guy asked Jackie Robinson to take a shower with the team but instead it came out wrong. One scene that was sad was when the owner of the Dodgers team let Pee Wee see all the death threats that Jackie Robinson got. To end this review I would say to go see this movie. I highly recommend it.
                                                                                                                         - Camille Porter
RATING: 4 out of 5 stars
Warner Bros.

42 Movie Review

                 The Movie “42” Was Epic
-By CeDarius Aldridge

The movie “42” was based on a true story about Jackie Robinson and his baseball career. Jackie Robinson made a big impact on history when he was the first black person to play Major League Baseball. This historical event was being told all over the world and this showed that just because you’re a different skin color you can still be just as good as anyone else. This even made baseball change as more black people were being brought in the MLB. Jackie really made a major impact on baseball and the world, and he is respected and remembered for that. I felt that this film really showed how much of an difference Jackie Robinson made so I gave this film 5 out of 5.

Picture by warner bros. and