Saturday, April 27, 2013

42 Blog (Movie Review and more)


Jackie Robinson not only changed baseball forever but it also changed the way race was viewed in America.  What he did was revolutionary; he was the first African-American baseball player in the Major Leagues. Keep in mind that this was during the 1940’s-50’s, so, there was already problems with race anyway. Jackie knew this, but he played anyway. He paved the way for all African-American baseball players everywhere. He stayed strong through the racist remarks, attacks and threats. He even changed the world because there were white children trying to be like him. He even inspired a child to join the Major Leagues.  I think the film was awesome! It was true-to-life. There were no flaws in the movie at all. I can even go back and see it a third time!
It gets 5 out of 5 stars from me.

                                                          -Jordan Creech

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